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A Look at Amolyt’s Potential Hypoparathyroidism Treatment, AZP-3601

DATE: September 12, 2022
LOCATION: The Violet Room, Fairmont Hotel
Austin, TX United States

About The Event

Join us in-person or virtually on September 12th for Amolyt Pharmaceuticals’ ASBMR Event in Austin, TX. Key Opinion Leader (KOL) and principal investigator István Takács, MD (Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary) will present the results from the Phase 2a first cohort of patients for their investigational therapeutic peptide, AZP-3601, and discuss their implications as a potential treatment for hypoparathyroidism.

Chief Medical Officer Mark Sumeray, MD will provide context and framework for the disease and discuss its unmet clinical needs, while Deb Murphy a patient with hypoparathyroidism and Director of Research and Studies for the hypoPARAthyroidism Association will introduce a personal perspective on living with the disease.

A live question and answer session will follow.

Event Speakers

István Takács, MD

Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary