Femasys: KOL Event on FemBloc, a First-of-its-Kind Medical Solution for Permanent Birth Control and an Important Option for Women Post Overturn of Roe v. Wade
DATE: | July 28, 2022 |
TIME: | 12:00 AM EDT |
About The Event
The webinar will feature a presentation from Key Opinion Leader Paul Blumenthal, MD, MPH (Stanford University Medical Center), who will discuss the unmet need for women seeking permanent birth control options. Dr. Blumenthal has a distinguished career in Obstetrics & Gynecology spanning close to 40 years and has conducted advocacy work in Women’s Health on a global basis.
Femasys’ FemBloc, a novel approach to permanent birth control, will be discussed as an important potential medical solution as it pertains to women’s contraceptive options and choices, especially given the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade.
FemBloc features a proprietary delivery platform, which uses balloon technology designed to precisely deliver a biopolymer to the fallopian tubes to close the tubal lumen leaving no permanent implant behind. This nonsurgical, in-office approach eliminates the risks of incisions, anesthesia, and hormones. Confirmation of procedure success can be achieved after 90 days, which would provide women with a certainty no other option can achieve.
A live question and answer (Q&A) session will follow.