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Reviva Pharmaceuticals: Brilaroxazine: a serotonin/dopamine modulator in late-stage development for Schizophrenia

DATE: May 2, 2023
TIME: 11:00 AM EDT

About The Event

Join us for a virtual KOL event with Reviva Pharmaceuticals, featuring expert Larry Ereshefsky, PharmD, BCPP, FCCP (Chief Scientific Officer, Follow the Molecule:CNS Consulting and Clinical Sciences by CenExel Research) who will briefly discuss the unmet medical need and current treatment landscape for patients suffering from acute and the more chronic symptoms of schizophrenia. He looks at brilaroxazine (RP5063), a next-generation serotonin/dopamine modulator, and its potential as a treatment solution.

The Reviva leadership team will provide an update on the RECOVER Phase 3 trial evaluating brilaroxazine in patients with acute schizophrenia, and discuss brilaroxazine’s potent affinity and selectivity against key serotonin and dopamine receptors implicated in schizophrenia and its comorbid symptoms. Brilaroxazine is a new chemical entity with broad therapeutic potential in neuropsychiatric and inflammatory conditions arising from underlying dysfunction in serotonin and dopamine signaling.

A live question and answer session will follow the formal presentations.